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Showing posts from April, 2018

Tape to Tape Shot Visualization

In this post, I'll be breaking down my newest (and favorite) viz, which acts as a pretty comprehensive overview of tape to tape shot data. This is based on my previous tape to tape viz but has many new features. I'm going to go through each component of the display below, and explain how they work. You'll be able to work with the viz at the bottom of the page, and any feedback or suggestions are greatly appreciated. 1) The Rink First I'm going to explain what you're directly looking at. There are three parts to the rink: the points, the lines, and the tooltip (the box that pops out when you hover over a point/line). Both points and lines are colored by the event result. Goals are green, shots on goal are blue, and missed shots are tan. There are two different points: a circle and a square. Circles represent either where a pass was made or received. Squares represent the location of shot attempts. Lines show the flow of events. They grow in size as the eve...

Introducing the Definitive Hart Trophy Metric: The Wyshynski Score

With the regular season coming to an end, and the Hart Trophy race at its most contentious in years, I planned to make a model predicting how the voting would turn out. Instead of going through the steps to determine which stats are most predictive and which stats measure the "player judged most valuable to his team", I decided to use the perfect criteria set forth by ESPN's Senior NHL Writer, Greg Wyshynski. These are by far the most logical and rational guidelines, so the results of this calculation are absolutely flawless. The Wyshynski Score is calculated as follows: Percent of Teams Points Scored by Player * 10 + (0.579 - Team PTS%) * (if < 0, 10, else 0)   + Player Points / 2nd Best Player on the Team Points + Player Points Per Game (20 GP. min) To validate this methodology, Taylor Hall is number one! so this method must be correct. Furthermore, Connor McDavid, the best and most valuable player in the league, is in 10th place- now we know ...