I recently completed two projects that were primarily shared through twitter but I'll briefly explain them on here. My first project is a shiny app that allows users to select two players from the entire history of the NHL, NBA, or MLB and view the shortest path between their careers by who they've played with. For example, here is how Jack Laviolette (born 1879) and Alex Formenton (born 1999) can be connected. You can use the tool here jflancer.shinyapps.io/shiny_app/ . My second project was scraping NWHL play by play data and cleaning it into an easy to use format with R. This project entailed a lot of cleaning and formatting, and I additionally wrote a formula to calculate strength state from just the penalty and goal data available. If you'd like to check out the code or use the data it can be found here https://github.com/jflancer/nwhl-scraper .