Goal rates via hockey-reference.com Historical player data from hockeyabstract.com **Part 2 Includes New Formula For Adjusted Points and Initial HOF tableau viz** http://threepointgames.blogspot.com/2018/01/era-adjustments-continued_2.html ** **Part 3 Includes HOF likelihood score and Tableau with all 100 seasons and more accurate data** http://threepointgames.blogspot.com/2018/01/era-adjustments-part-3.html One of the biggest questions hockey fans struggle to answer is how to compare players and teams across different eras. The style of hockey in the high-scoring 80s is certainly different from the dead puck era in the 90s, which are both remarkably different from the current edition of NHL hockey in the salary cap era. During these time periods, drastic changes have taken place around the league, from new rules to expansion, and as a result, we struggle when attempting to compare old and new achievements and records. Many explanations have been given for the ...